Simple self-care in challenging times

Written by Lindsey Kaszuba

Life gets busy and it's easy to put yourself and your health on the back burner. But taking time for self-care is not selfish - it's an act of self-love that allows you to be your best self for you and for everyone around you. 

In this post, we'll explore easy daily routines that help you de-stress, refocus, and feel grounded even amidst chaos. Because that is possible, and you deserve it.

Practicing simple self-care habits each day provides tremendous benefits, both mentally and physically. Taking micro-moments for yourself to de-stress and recenter provides energy, reduces anxiety, sharpens focus, and improves your overall mindset. 

Self-care also helps boost your immune system, lower blood pressure, improve sleep, and support your overall health and well-being.

Here are some simple, uplifting self-care habits to practice daily:

  • Breathwork

    • Spend 3 minutes taking deep inhales and exhales. This activates the parasympathetic nervous system to trigger calm. It’s nearly impossible not to feel better after breathwork.

  • Guided meditation

    • There are many free apps like Calm or Insight Timer that provide short, refreshing meditations. Even 5 minutes can reset your mental state. If you want guided visualizations along with teachings and tips to implement in real life, check out Health Club Collective.

  • Turn goals into affirmations

    • Write down your goals and then reframe them into positive mantras like "I am safe, I am strong, I am peaceful” or “Health flows easily to me”. Harness the power of words.

  • Try journaling

    • Jot down your thoughts, worries, goals, or gratitude. Expressing yourself releases emotions. Add in some body movement to take this a step further and really release those stuck emotions. Your body holds onto what your mind keeps in. 

  • Make time for movement

    • Whether it's yoga, walking, or stretching, get your body moving in ways that bring you joy. Movement doesn’t need to feel like a chore - it can be fun and simply fit INTO your busy lifestyle. 

  • Hydrate with intention

    • Sip water slowly and mindfully. Add lemon, fruit, or herbs for flavor. Without proper hydration, our body and our brain can’t function properly, which can lead to feeling sluggish, depleted, and moody.

Of course, it's not always easy to incorporate self-care into busy days.

Here are some tips for overcoming common barriers:

  • Start small

    • Even just a few minutes of mindful breathing makes a difference. Build up from there.

  • Set reminders

    • Use phone alerts or physical trigger reminders to nudge yourself to take self-care breaks.

  • Habit stack

    • Listen to a meditation while taking a walk or stretching, take deep breaths while showering, put your legs up while reading a book before bed. Add a new habit to an existing habit for the best and most simple results.

  • Celebrate the small wins

    • Every time you move in the direction of your goals celebrate it. Don’t dismiss even the slightest step in the right direction. 

The key is finding what feels best to you and being consistent - then you’ll always find ways to fit self-care into your day. Your mental and physical health are worth it.

When you regularly take time to de-stress and re-centering yourself, you'll feel more grounded to handle all that comes your way. Be patient, be kind to yourself, and make self-care a priority. Your health is dictated by your thoughts and therefore begins in your mind.

Try incorporating a few of the rituals above into your day and see how you feel. Your mind and body will thank you.

If you feel like you need additional support in making self-care an effortless habit, I can help. As a certified health and habit coach, I work with busy women to create customized self-care routines that fit seamlessly into your life.

My coaching programs provide the accountability, tailored guidance, and community you need to make self-care second nature. Together we’ll find simple practices that are realistic and sustainable so that no matter what life throws your way, you know how to stay consistent with feeling your best.

Don’t put yourself and your health on the backburner any longer. You deserve to feel confident, energized and empowered every day.

Learn more about how my coaching can help you be your best self while still tackling it all.

Book a free discovery call with me to get started. 


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