The power of taking small steps

Written by Lindsey Kaszuba

Breaking down big goals into small ones makes them easier, attainable, and more realistic, which increases the likelihood of success. Success makes us want to keep going.

Take, for example, New Year's resolutions. We've all been taught to set lofty goals for ourselves at the start of the year, such as "I want to work out more" or "I want to lose 15 pounds by summer." Setting goals is fantastic, but making a goal that big sets you up for failure. Focus on one goal and break it down into small steps. For example, if you set out to move your body five days a week and only manage two, you feel like you failed. This is often when we give up. Instead of starting big, start small and work up to creating a new habit. 

Decide to move your body in a way that feels great to you today. Do whatever feels good to you. An important note, especially when it comes to movement, is that if it's hard or you feel resistant that does not mean it doesn't feel great. Strenuous and painful are much different than difficult and effective.

One good decision at a time adds up over time to form new, healthy habits that you can maintain long-term. In fact, some habits become so deeply embedded in you that you don't even notice it at the time. Taking small steps toward a bigger goal is a powerful approach.


Small steps may not feel like you are making changes, but the best part is that these changes become simple, second nature really. They give you a sense of success and they are more likely to stick.

Here's a writing exercise to help you break your goals down. Write down your big goals, followed by all of the small things you can do in order to reach them. Consider thinking outside the box and being willing to try something new. Success is found in the space between comfort and fear. Get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Now that you know how powerful taking small steps can be for achieving your goals, get out there and take one small step today that will bring you closer to your goal. You can do it! 👏🏻


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