2 Simple Steps to Transform Your Daily Habits (Part 1 of 2)

Written by Lindsey Kaszuba

Are you tired of jumping from one diet trend to another, never quite reaching your health goals? Or perhaps you're feeling paralyzed by all the "shoulds" in the wellness world? 

If so, you're not alone. I've seen countless women struggle with these exact challenges. But I'm here to share a powerful secret that could change everything for you.

The Key to Lasting Health is Your Daily Habits

Here's the truth: Our future health and happiness are simply byproducts of our daily habits. Those small, consistent actions we take every day are what truly shape our well-being. It's not about grand gestures or extreme measures – it's about the little things we do consistently.

So, let's ditch the all-or-nothing mindset and focus on creating better, more feel-good habits NOW. I'm excited to share with you the first two steps from my recent corporate workshop: "4 Steps to Eating, Thinking, and Moving Healthier."

Step 1: Mindful Eating

We live in a noisy world, constantly bombarded by diet rules and external guidance. But what if I told you the best nutritionist is actually... you? Mindful eating is about tuning into your body's wisdom and being present with your food. When you focus on YOU, you can see and hear what you need more clearly.

Here are some simple tips to practice mindful eating:

  1. Eat slowly and chew your food thoroughly

    • Digestion starts in the mouth, not the stomach. By chewing your food well, you're kickstarting the digestion process. And if you’re constantly bloated after eating, this may be a game-changer for you! Take time to notice how your food tastes, smells, and feels. I’m not saying eat in total silence, just pay attention to your food and how it’s feeling in your body.

  2. Pay attention to hunger and fullness cues

    • Don't just shovel food in because it tastes good (I have to remind myself of this when I’m inhaling french fries because they are my fave ;). Give your body time to register that it's consumed food and be mindful of when to stop. Overeating clogs up your system, while undereating leaves your body craving more before the next meal.

  3. Notice how different foods make YOU feel

    • We need a variety of foods to nourish our bodies, and our needs change from season to season, day to day. Learn how different foods feel for YOU, and then you can rely on nothing but yourself to eat foods that make you feel great. Proper nourishment not only gives your body strength but also opens the pathway to step into your best self. 

Remember, mindful eating isn't about restriction – it's about rebuilding a positive relationship with food and reducing guilt. Your body knows what it needs; trust it.

Step 2: Positive Self-Talk

Our thoughts matter more than we often realize. That inner critic? It's not just affecting your mood – it can impact everything from your sleep to your digestion. Let's flip the script and cultivate more positive self-talk:

  1. Identify negative thought patterns

    • Start by becoming aware of the negative messages you tell yourself. You can’t change something you aren’t aware of. Just notice those thought patterns without attaching judgement to them. 

  2. Challenge those limiting storylines

    • Question the validity of these thoughts. Are they really true, or are they just habitual negative thinking?

  3. Use empowering "I am" statements

    • Replace negative self-talk with positive affirmations. For example, instead of "I can't do this," try "I am capable of overcoming challenges.” You aren’t your worries, you just FEEL your worries. The best part? You control the storyline of your life love. 

By fostering more positive self-talk, you're setting the foundation for all your other healthy habits to flourish.

Your Action Step

This week, choose one small habit from either mindful eating or positive self-talk to focus on. Maybe it's chewing your food more thoroughly, or starting each day with a positive affirmation. Remember, small steps lead to big changes!


Creating lasting health isn't about drastic measures or following the latest trends. It's about cultivating daily habits that nourish your body and mind. By practicing mindful eating and positive self-talk, you're taking powerful steps towards a healthier, happier you.

Head over to part two to read more about the final two steps!

Here's to creating a healthier, happier you – one small habit at a time.

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Unlock Your Wellness Superpower: The Final Two Steps to Transform Your Health (Part 2 of 2)


Unlocking Your Superpower of Consistency: 5 Strategies for Sustainable Habits